Friday, January 27, 2012

Books to read in 2012

This week ALA (American Library Assosiation) announced all sorts of book award winners! All of the books look good to me because I love to read but it looks like not all of them would be appealing to most people. 2012 Newbery Award winner "Dead End in Norvelt" looks very good. It's about a boy who is grounded until he helps his elderly neighbor by doing a very odd chore. Then of course, my favorite book "Wonderstruck" won the Schneider Family Award. It is a story about two people, a boy and a girl. The boy's story takes place in the present day and is told in words but the girl's story takes place fifty years ago and is told in pictures. They are both deaf and they have a connection. The boy is on a bus going to a childrens hospital but something happens and he gets lost in New York and eventually meets the older version of the girl and thats when the connection comes in! You can see many more award winning books here!

Reported by Catherine

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