Friday, March 30, 2012

Bug and a wish

I learned that I could work as a team and get my work handed in. I learned that I could get really good at art and be an artist. I learned that if I follow directions and practice alot I can get a good grade on my MCA test.

The highlight of this week was learning that if I practice enough I can get a better grade on the MCA test.

I wish I could change the schedule to have more art. I really like art because it gives me a way to express myself. I'm looking forward to learning how to be an artist and how to paint and draw pictures.

Reported By: Tatyana

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

3 Quarters Down, One to Go!

Report cards came home today so be sure to look at it with your child, sign the envelope and send back by Friday! Please call or email me with any questions concerning grades. I'll be more than happy to go through those with you.

Also-with somewhere between 2 and 8 kids gone from our class each day for the past week, we're doing out best to sanitize everything, but sickness is spreading quickly! You may want to sanitize those doorknobs and handles!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Our new way of doing spelling and our brawn match with Mrs.Woods class, By: Cole Hay

This week we started a new way to do spelling. We get three work sheets a week we get two on root words and another on a review we learned the root words trans and sub.Then on Friday we take a review test we get ten words and we have to use them in a sentence and at the end of the test we get a extra score word or we can use that word to get ten for ten in case we got one wrong. Also this last Friday we took a recess break outside and Mrs.Woods class was out there with a kickball so we challenged them to a brawn game it was a very equal match we both pushed hard but in the end it was a draw.
By Cole H.

Monday, March 12, 2012

March Theme and a Few Changes

March themes (yes, there are TWO language arts themes this month!):

  • figurative language and 
  • MCA test prep.

We are just finishing a brief review of figurative language and today's study on idioms made us "crack up!" In mid-April, we will begin state standardized tests. In order to build in some test-prep to our daily work, we have already been using our new reading logs. In addition to this, we will have a few changes in our schedule:

A few changes:

  • Daily 5-I can't believe the time has come, but it's official. I have pulled the pin on the Daily 5 as we get ready for testing. I had planned this back in September, but am startled by how quickly time is passing! For room 206 kiddos, this means no more read-to-self, or work-on-writing, no more rounds and no more book bins. What will we do instead? We will rotate through 6 stations each week, focusing on a different test-prep skill each time. 
  • Spelling-I am sure there will be shouts of victory about this one: NO SPELLING CHOICES FOR THE NEXT 5 WEEKS! 
  • Back to Our Roots-in place of spelling and in order to help students prepare for words they may not understand on a test, we are launching a Greek and Latin Root Words study. Each week they will get 2 root words and 2 practice pages for homework. Each Monday and Wednesday, I will introduce a new root word, give them brainstorming time to figure out it's meaning and a list of words. Thursday is a review page and review games, then Friday will be the test. The test will be similar to a spelling test, but with a twist!
  • Beyond testing-What will we do after testing if there is NO Daily 5? If your child gives me their absolute BEST effort and BEST energy to prepare for their MCA tests, I am working on a fun unit that will involved bringing to life something from a book...stay tuned!
As your child's teacher, I am looking forward to these changes and I think your child will enjoy them too! Thank you for your support from home-the reading logs have shown some terrific discussion that you have had with your child! 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

January Post-Taylor

This week we started science with Mrs.Cody. We had a sub on Tuesday. We just got done studying cause and effect. Now we are learning about sequencing events using first, next, then, last. this week was fin to me.we had to ran around decks and put comic in se

We finished our math book. We had a test on mrs.Cody. i'm looking forward to learning life science.we made 3D snowflakes . it was funbut hard. tn tear we finished balto and the great rase. it was a good book but i didn't undersand it. balto and the great rase is not that long.


The Oreo Turns 100!


Happy Birthday, Oreo! Who has not enjoyed this wonderful cookie? I had no idea that the Oreo had been created so long ago! In order to celebrate "Milk's Favorite Cookie," we will be doing some experiments on Friday. We will hypothesize our outcomes and then experiment, use some math equations, "sandwich" our findings with a writing project, and our grand finale will include a fun (and a bit messy) art project. Our winner will be selected by some esteemed guest judges (one traveling from out of state for the, it is not Stephen :) )